Monday, December 29, 2014

Push Out Further

Sometimes good movies start with the ending and work backwards to tell the story. It allows you to see the end result and then the process of getting there. I find that as an enjoyable method. You know where you're going in the story and it allows the mind to gather the details and connect dots as the story progresses. God knows the end from the beginning and continues to unfold aspects of our story as we go.
I remember my English Professor from my freshmen year of college encouraging us to read our papers in reverse as it would cause us to see errors and grammatical mistakes. He said reading it from start to finish gives opportunity for our minds to read what we know is coming next and often insert what we know instead of what's actually there. When we read in reverse it demanded the mind to see only what's there because it's out of the normal flow. I think it can be good advice to get out of the normal flow and look at things to gain better insight. As you approach the year, consider getting outside the typical and usual flow to see what you can see.
This past Saturday night I heard in my heart, "push out further". I remembered Luke 5 telling how Jesus said to the fishermen, "put out into the deep." This morning I spent time looking at Luke 5. After reading the account in verses 1-11, I instantly saw meaningful insights as I worked that story backwards. I remembered preaching this story many years ago, and the points I made then came to mind, but when I worked it in reverse I enjoyed what I saw. I looked at the end result and worked the process backwards to see how it all happened.
The end result was that they left everything and followed Jesus. Nothing more valuable than that. The abandoning of ourselves for the joys of Him is of the deepest value. Seeing Him will always cause us to walk away from everything else. He is so captivating, intriguing, compelling, glorious that He eclipses anything else in our view. I'm asking God to allow all of us to see Him increasingly and that we let go of our hold on things of lesser value.
Working backwards through Luke 5, I saw aspects that I believe apply to us as we have shifted seasons and are looking into the hope before us. Many, if not all of us, have had some very challenging situations in the last few years or so. Those things brought us to this point. All of it is working to see us abandon more and follow Him deeper into Himself. Here are the points of the process from the end to the start:
  • A fuller measure of abandonment
  • Be what attracts people
  • Amazed by Him and recognized their own short comings
  • Brought others into the effort
  • Did things differently then had been done
  • Heard His directive
  • Pushed out deeper
  • Returned to boat - got back to their gifting
  • Had disappointed times with empty results
  • Had parked their passion
These fishermen had parked their boats after a season of effort that came up empty and surely caused disappointment and discouragement. They were standing on the banks of an amazing breakthrough, but were not aware. They were washing their nets and probably feeling the frustration of having to start over another time. The ache of feeling like we have given our all to end up empty is a deep pain. Often, we muster up enough strength to try again another day. But these guys ended up not doing what they perceived they'd be doing the next day. In the midst of disappointment and sense of loss, a greater measure of destiny came forth. A previous season that seems to end empty is actually full of gain as it gives way to progress.
These fishermen ended up returning to their boat/gifting, but this time it had a new reason. Things were different. They were going to be doing the same thing but their gift was going to be utilized in fresh ways. I'm sure it had to be uncomfortable to get back in that boat. It had to be a very doubtful situation. We all face those doubtful moments when we feel drawn to engage again, but past disappointments cause us to shake our head as we take steps again. These are the times our hearts can only find assurance in that Jesus is in the boat. We have no idea how it'll turn out, but He asked. So here we go.
From that, we see some measure of impact. People are taught and get to see Jesus. That floods our hearts with joy and encouragement. Those moments feel priceless and like we finally got past the place of feeling empty. But He's not done. He is crazier than just that. He has more in mind and wants to take us further. He intends to disrupt our doubts, our fears, our disappointments, our arguments that He won't be enough. He plans to show us that all the empty nets aren't the end of the story but the beginning of a fuller story. He tells us to "push out further".
Inside, we hear directives we feel afraid to admit we've heard. We feel drawn toward something more than we want to admit. We have a burning sense that we are more than we want to let on. He has spoken, and we are to go further. But what about before? What about the agony of empty nets and the disappointing clean up? How can He be saying go further?
As He is telling us, "Push out," we see He tells us to do it differently than before. "Put it to the other side." So we look to what is needed for now instead of continuing in the way it's been. Something in our heart feels hope. We are in our gifting, but have a new way of going at it and all the sudden weight is pulling on us as nets begin to fill. This is bigger than us. This is more than we can handle, and we have to invite others into what is going on. The new way of going at it has created the opportunity for others to be involved so they are part of the miracle.
What God is saying to us is that we are at a place others need invited in. What are you doing that you need to have others carry with you? We are being called to bring others into the movement. You going deeper/further requires having others involved in fresh ways. This isn't really about us or how well we lead or gather others. This is about opening the avenues for others to be involved in displaying His greatness. By going further, Jesus was revealed and worship and repentance was the result.
The goodness and greatness of Jesus was revealed and it was attractive. We are all seeing how hope is what people are starving for.  People have had empty net after empty net and need to see Jesus. They need to see goodness, glory, grace. We are the ones to abandon the old efforts of religion using fear, control, anger, legalism, condemnation, obligation, and detachment as our means of leading. We are those that are throwing the nets of hope, grace, freedom, future, life, joy, and progress. Nets are being filled. Others are being called in to support the load. It's a new day!
All of this is the results of further abandonment of everything else to follow Him in this movement of hope that is igniting the generations for a brighter day. You can see yourself in this Luke 5 account. You can feel how you belong in this movement. It's burning in you! You hear the words "push further". We're in this together. We are aligned to support the load and see the nets brought in. Disappointment and discouragement of last night's empty nets won't stop us. We will live in a new way that has nets on the other side. We are those abandoning our excuses, our fears, our questions, our heartache, our loneliness, our reasons to doubt, and we are following Him in what is to be for now. In everything you feel anxious about, say I'm going at that "in Hope", and push out further.
Hope is Here. We are in this together. We are abandoning hold backs and pursuing seeing Him more in the unknown victories ahead. We want to see Him. We want to know the strength of His victory and the ability of hope.
It's time to rise!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Thoughts for Growth

"Sustaining is not an option.  It's grow or die."

The pulse of pioneering hearts and passionate leaders is to grow and serve those following their leadership so they grow.  As you do this, the congregation, business, or family you lead advances and sees higher measures of success. 

To grow we must understand and act on something we didn't know and do prior.  Apostle Paul called that "stewarding a mystery" (This is how one should regard us, as servants of God and stewards of the mysteries of God - 1 Cor 4:1 ESV).  This is the reality of seeing what was once unknown and then moving in that revelation.  Leaders are driven to see from God what they have not realized before and then put it into practice. 

I want you to advance in the mysteries of who God made you to be and increase your influence/impact as a leader. 

Here are some thoughts to consider so you don't just sustain, but grow.  Over the past month, I've been writing down some points I've heard or read that challenge me to grow.  The quote above about sustaining not being an option was from a great friend of mine.  It resounded in me deeply.  I know you don't want to just sustain but grow and lead further.  I trust these points will spark insight into a mystery for you. 

Take some time to consider and pray over these thoughts:

* What will you look at to measure if you've had a successful year?
* Why are you doing your business or ministry? (Example: Starbucks didn't start in order to be a coffee company.  They started as an effort to create a place for people to connect and interact.  Coffee was just the element used to help do that.)
* Who are you aligned with in your life and Kingdom endeavors? Who is aligned with you? How are you honoring your alignments?
* Are you using your authority as a leader to honor or control those you lead?
* What mystery has God shown you to steward?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Rising Above

Colossians 3:1-2 has instructions to set our minds and affections in a certain place.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (ESV)

This is important for pioneering hearts and passionate leaders. For those that are full of hope, this becomes a reality for progress. I looked into the Greek words in this verse that gives some further insight that we can use as we move forward in our assignments.

So much of the New Testament is the original apostles giving revelation for those of the Old Covenant to open their hearts and minds to the realities and implementation of the New Covenant. When we look at New Testament Scripture through those lenses, we can clearly see God's call to all people to go beyond the covenant that was to pass away and set focus on the Covenant Christ implemented and mediated.

To get the most out of Colossians 3:1-2, we need to see some of the Greek words used and then tie it all together. This will fuel your heart!

The Greek word used that is translated "seek" is "zeteo" which means - to seek in order to find or crave. That shows us a sense of "longing for, desire, passionate pursuit". Some Bible translations use the English word "focus".

Some Bible translations state the verse to say "seek the things of heaven". The Greek word for heaven/above is "ano" which means "above or on high". The cool thing with the word ano is that is comes from the Greek word "anti" which means "against or opposite".

Putting this together allows us to see the instructions here is to put our focus on things that are higher or above or opposite the way it has been. This point is driven home even more as verse 2 emphasizes to put our mind/affections on things not of the earth. The Greek word for earth is "ge". It's meaning is "ground, abode of man, material from which things are formed with the implied idea of frailty and weakness".

You and I are being told to put our focus/affections/pursuits on things above/opposite the frail/weak things that are passing away. Paul was writing to those that had to move from an Old Covenant mindset as it was passing away. They were being told to wrap their heart and mind around the higher work of Christ and the New Covenant that wasn't frail but everlasting. The work of Christ has provided all that is needed for us to rise above an old/passing season and era. Christ has made the way into that which is beyond what has been.

For us now, we need to be those full of hope that there are things we are to move into that is higher, more glorious, then what we've done so far. We are glad for and appreciate what we've been doing as it has been something higher than what was before that. But the reality we see here is that there is still more of Christ to be seen and glory to be displayed.

As pioneering hearts that are passionately leading businesses, congregations, homes, and ministries, you are hearing His voice drawing you into what is next. We are being called to rise above what has been. I believe you carry what is needed for this season. I believe God has put in you the revelation, strategies, vision, and desire for what is to come forth now. Don't let your mind and emotions stay parked or attached to a past day, but be open and crave what can be in this day. I think these verses are needed because we all have opportunity to struggle through change and transition. We need encouraged and reminded to not be so attached to what we've already seen that we opt out of leading in new directions. Our businesses, congregations, and families can not thrive by holding to what we have grown comfortable with. We are challenged to seek something higher, something above the frail things that are passing away. It's in you to progress. Christ is seated high above and His Kingdom is ever expanding. This is the time to rise.

Forget what is behind, press toward what's ahead, strive for the goal.... Phil 3.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Promised Wine

As RISEnetwork gathered August 1, 2014, we had a time to receive from God and corporately express worship. Generations of leaders gathered and had a great time. Eric Lynch was used strongly to speak prophetically to individuals and later wrote a blog about what he saw the Spirit showing him about RISEnetwork. His blog was very encouraging. Read it here

I shared from Numbers 13:23-24 that explains how the 12 Spies where sent to see what was promised. They ended up with a cluster of grapes so large it took 2 men to carry them. As I look through the lenses of covenant, I see grapes being the promise of wine. Jesus is the Promised One. He is where we dwell. Jesus held up the cup of wine and said it displays His blood for the New/Better Covenant. The promise of wine from those grapes spoke of the promise of a Better Covenant through Jesus. That covenant would come through the violence of the cross. It would be a painful and heart aching work that would press the grapes into wine. The pressed Fruit of the Vine (offspring, son. God is the Vine, Son of God) would be pressed and crushed at the cross. He endured this for the prize of the new wine/covenant. 

Yet when the 12 Spies returned to give a report, only 2 felt the promise was worth the battle. (let every word be established by the witness of 2-3). The "2" (law and prophets) witnessed that the promise could be obtained. The "2" (Love God, love neighbor) would be obtainable. The "2" (Old Covenant, New Covenant) would display what is available. It was these 2 Spies that stated we could have what's available. 

Today, God is calling together and aligning leaders of each generation that see the promise, that know what's available, and are passionate to pioneer into it. Leaders in the Kingdom are being challenged into new territory for the glory of God and revealing of His ways. 

These leaders are not looking to fit into the established, but are identifying the hungry and leading them. 

These leader are not focused on the way things are but on the way things can be. 

Everyone knows many things are going wrong, but God is aligning those that know things can go right. 

We are those that see wine is available and fresh wine is being released now. It's the requirement for a new wine skin that has us passionate to come together. God is causing RISEnetwork to develop as a new wine skin and carry our portion of new wine in this moment. You are part of that. 

You are being stretched, pressed, drained so you bring forth a cup/container of enjoyable wine. You are one that's like the 2 Spies. You see it. You are hungry for what can be. This is your time to go after it. You are the kind of leader that shows it's possible to rise above what's been and come into what can be. Lead on!  Lead your home. Lead your business. Lead your congregation. Lead your community. Lead your generation. 

The grapes are the promise of wine. Let's be a wine skin for now so there is a taste of freshness in the earth. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Power of a Purchased Threshing Floor

During our RISEnetwork gathering on August 1, 2014, an awesome leader that is part of the network shared an impacting word of prophecy. Eric Lynch from Charleston, WV starting talking about the Threshing Floor and what it means for RISEnetwork.

Eric Lynch is a powerful leader that is functioning in many avenues. He travels speaking prophetically to church congregations and conferences. He's an author, singer/songwriter. He does missional assignments overseas. He holds capital city prayer thrust targeting the civil arena. God has graced Eric with many abilities and has strongly gifted him in a prophetic way. You can connect with Eric on Facebook and see his ministry focus called Ram's Horn Ministries here.

I asked Eric to write out his understanding to what the Spirit was revealing. The following is what Eric wrote.

// The Power of a Purchased Threshing Floor //
Written by Eric Lynch

As I was preparing my mind and heart to come to the August 1stRISE meeting, The Lord took my mind to a passage of scripture in the Old Testament found in 2 Samuel. In 2 Samuel 24 David had sinned against The Lord by taking a census of the able-bodied men in Israel and Judah. As result, The Lord sent the prophet Gad to King David and Gad gave him three options for the judgment that would come on Israel because of David’s sin: 1. Three years of famine, 2. Three months of running from their enemies, or 3. Three days of plague. The cry of David’s heart was to be found in the hands of God and not the hands of man, regardless of what judgment took place.
So a plague came on the land and in three days time 70,000people died. What takes place next is where I want to first direct our focus…2 Samuel 24:16-17 states,  16 When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was afflicting the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of theLord was then at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.When The Lord finally instructed the angel of The Lord to relent, the angel was standing on the threshing floor that belonged to Araunah.
The Lord spoke a prophetic word to Gad the day the angel was standing on Araunah’s threshing floor and Gad said to David:“Go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor ofAraunah the Jebusite.” When David went to ask Araunah for his threshing floor, Araunah wanted to offer it to the King for free, but David refused to give God a sacrifice on a floor that cost him nothing. After David bought the threshing floor, he made intercession and offered sacrifices on it. The Bible says The Lord answered his prayers and the plague that was afflicting Israel stopped.
Now, some of you may be asking, ‘What is a threshing floor?”The threshing floor was a flattened outdoor surface, in a place exposed to the wind (so the chaff could be blown away), and used during times of harvest, as a place where grain was harvested from the wheat. The word “threshing” basically means, To tramp or stamp heavily with the feet”which originally were the feet of oxen or people.
The threshing floor, biblically, represented a number of things: 1. Victory, answered prayer, and supernatural, accelerated miracles (2 Samuel 24:24-25) 2. Place of gleaning and divine connection (Ruth 2:14-19) and 3. Harvest (Matthew 3:12).
If you will, follow me for just a few more moments, because I’m going somewhere with this…There are a few key things I want to highlight about what God was showing me with this topic of “The Power of a Purchased Threshing Floor.”
First and foremost, God is saying do not take a census of those who are with you, because I will cause you to have victories that some haven’t experienced with thousands. David sinned against God when he took a census of the fighting men in Israel and Judah. I believe The Lord’s admonishment to RISE Network is for us not to be concerned with a census, but allow God to add or take away from this army as He sees fit.
Secondly, my mind is taken back to a prayer gathering that took place in 2012. Myself, along with the prayer group I’m a part of in Charleston, WV had been spending weeks and weeks praying and preparing at a place called the Levy, for a day of prayer that was going to take place on October 20, 2012. Just nights before this prayer gathering, where hundreds of believers would be assembled, our prayer group was meeting to consecrate the grounds, and that particular night The Lord spoke to me and said: “You all have purchased a threshing floor.” The significance of this word God gave me that night goes back to 2 Samuel 24:24-25, where it tells us that David purchased a floor to build an altar for prayer, and as a result the plague on the land completely stopped!
When you purchase something that means you own it! When a person buys a piece of land or property, they become the owners of that piece of property and therefore have a certain measure of authority over what takes place on that land! The power of a purchased threshing floor is that it gives you legal right (in the Spirit) to have authority over what takes place on that land! The day of August 1, 2014 when God spoke to me about how RISE Network had “purchased a floor”, He was showing me how in a very literal sense, RISE (by way of Zak Huffman who leads Spirit of Adoption Ministries with his wife Amy) owns the building that we meet in every 6 weeks! Additionally, each time we meet at 404 Market St. to pray and worship it further consecrates that land, and because we own it, and have paid the price in prayer for it, we un-arguably have a say so in what takes place in that city and within the network!
The power of owning a threshing floor is the power to see accelerated answers to prayer…2 Samuel 24 says that once David built an altar on Araunah’s threshing floor THE PLAGUE STOPPED! As a result of RISE owning a floor, we have the ability to see the same kind of supernatural, immediate answers to prayer as David did.
The power of a purchased threshing floor, is the power to glean in fields of blessing and to make divine connections. In Ruth 2, a divine connection of favor was made with Boaz and as a result, Ruth had access to the harvest of Boaz’ floor! God is saying because RISE has found favor in His as (our kinsman redeemer) the harvest and overflow of His threshing floor is ours!
Lastly, the power of a purchased threshing floor is the power to bring in a harvest of souls! In Matthew 3:12 when John the Baptist began prophesying about the coming of Christ, John said that Christ was coming with a winnowing fan (a tool frequently used on the threshing floor) to gather the harvest and get rid of the chaff! Because RISE  has relationship with Christ, we also have the ability to purge the chaff out of our cities, churches, ministries and homes and claim the harvest that awaits!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Strengthen Our Hands to Build


Seasons are important to identify and adjust to.  In the previous blog, "The Power of Alignment", we looked at how vital proper alignment is concerning relationships, vision, direction, and leadership.  Recognizing the season things are in and working to make the most of it is also a substantial key to strong results.  We understand that concept with the calendar year and 4 seasons of nature.  We do what is needed in spring, we harvest in fall, we winterize things during those months, etc.

1 Chron. 12:32 shows there were those that understood the times and seasons.  Ecclesiastes 3 shares about how there are seasons for everything.  Each season carries unique focuses, activities, interests, requirements, and outcomes.  Good business leaders know how to recognize the seasons in their business or in the market.  They adjust accordingly to utilize that time frame for the most benefit.  Good spiritual leaders see the seasons of the year, seasons of need, and the seasons in God's direction.  Family leadership is to understand and have the pulse of their home and what is needed in each season of the journey.

I want you to be current in this season.  I challenge you to consider and pray over the season your life, family, business, or congregation might be in.  I encourage you to see the common thread happening among all those areas of your world.  Then, if you broaden your scope, you can probably pick up similar things with your friends, other congregations, other leaders, etc.  This all begins to add up and point to an insight of the season that you can capture and move with.  If you adjust your sails to the current season, you will be propelled by the wind that is blowing now.

I see 3 major themes happening in this season: Awaken, Reform, Build.

A season of awakening has been in play for a few years now, and there seems to be more and more recognizing that work of God.  Those that are experiencing an awakening are coming to see the need for reform in many areas, and that has a major number of people in transition, change, struggle, development, and even bewilderment. This awakening is calling us to rise above what has been and move more accurately in the ways of His Kingdom.  This requires a lot of reform.

As those that are awakened are moving in reform it is leading us into a season for building.

With increased revelation and insight, God is moving us in a grace to build.  The first part of 2013, I could hear in my heart that "new works of the Kingdom are going to spring up all over".  In just over a year from then, I am seeing that happening.  There is still much more awakening needed and certainly more reforming, but there are those God has maneuvered to start building and/or expanding.

You have been dreaming, visioning, and developing ideas for a good while now in preparation for the season to put it into operation.  God has been reforming you and shaping you into what is needed now.  Most likely through difficult and trying times, you have been made ready to put your hands to building.  For some, this is launching something that has not yet been.  For other, this is taking the next step in what you have been doing for a while.  A season of building is about advancement, hope, and progress.  Building is the place many have come into.

In my book, Generational Synergy, I start by showing us how Nehemiah was commissioned to rebuild a broken down city.  He has passionately consumed with the burden to fix what has damaged and build what was needed.  Like anyone, he faced all kinds of obstacles and hardships.  He had enemies that wanted to take him out and opposition that challenged his resolve.  But it was a building season, and he had to go for all he could.  God arranged favor with the King to let him go to the city, worked out all the materials needed, and brought together the generations to contribute their efforts so the project was accomplished.  God has been bringing you into favor, gathering the materials, and connecting what is needed for you to put your hands to building.  Nehemiah didn't wait for all these things to be in place and then move toward building.  He saw a need, recognized he was called to respond, and saw it was time to build.  He took each step as the Lord opened the way.  As he went with each step, he brought forth what was needing done.  In many ways you can say he was "awakened" to his role, he "reformed"/changed what he was doing, and went after "building" the ruined city.

You might be able to see the same kind of process in your life over the last few years.  God has brought you to this point so you are able to step towards building.  As I have been praying over this in my own life and those connected with me in RISEnetwork, I continue to have Nehemiah 6:10 brought to mind.  It shows how God caused Nehemiah to see the efforts of his enemies working a plot to get Nehemiah to give up and take his hands off "the plow of building".  To me, the awesome thing is Nehemiah's prayer at that moment.  Nehemiah requested of God "now strengthen my hands".  This is what I am asking in my life, and I am praying God strengthens your hands in this season of building.

You are in the process of developing new endeavors in new directions, and I am asking God to strengthen you and make your hands strong to accomplish the dream.  You are doing awesome things, and what you are working on is so needed.  May your hands be strong, your heart passionate in the assignment, and your mind set to see all God has for you to bring forth.

This is a season to build!

Power of Alignment

Alignment = arrange in appropriate relative positions; a position of agreement and alliance

Hebrews 9:10 - … until the time of reformation.
Greek word for reformation here is: diorthosis which means “to make straight or aligned”

Ezekiel 37:1-10 is all about alignment.  It reveals how the breath of God brings things into its appropriate place for maximum contribution.  When we see things, and even ourselves, in dry conditions and having minimal effect, we should investigate if there is proper alignment. 
Ezekiel saw this valley of dry bones separated and out of alignment.  The bones were dry and non-functioning. It is amazing to see these same bones standing and being an impacting force once the breath of God brought them into alignment. 

Alignment is key to so many things.  The planets are aligned properly, our homes are to be aligned as God prescribes, our spines need alignment for optimal health and mobility, a car needs aligned to drive well, an army must be aligned in mission and as a unit, and we all need the right alignment in relationships.  Alignment speaks of agreement and contribution.
All of these examples provide insight to the importance of the agreement each part has to another and what each part does in relationship with another.  Alignment is vital to anything with purpose and a requirement to function.  In other words, life and progress happen from proper alignment. 

Hebrews 9:10 is a unique verse in that it is the only place the word reformation is used in scripture.  The book of Hebrews is so amazing in how it lays out the depth and scope of Christ’s supremacy over the old covenant.  The author of Hebrews was presenting the gospel of the New/Better Covenant and how it supersedes and abolishes the Old.  It is calling those of the Old Covenant and each generation forward to align with Christ and the New/Better Covenant He established.  The Greek word diorthosis is the root word to the English word orthodontist.  You can see the picture.  We are called to be aligned and made straight in the work of Christ.  It is amazing that the concept of alignment is used in the extremely vital requirement of being in Christ.  It really puts weight on the understanding of alignment. 

I think the modern Church has not emphasized alignment much because the view of the Church has been predominately a “sheep fold” instead of an ambassadorial army (Ecclesia / Matt 16:8).  As long as sheep are within the fold or pasture, they are free to roam and go about as they please.  They get to eat and sleep, but at the end of the day, not much progress or advancement is made.  That gives us a picture of sheep just waiting for something to happen, and if they can just stay in the fold they will be ok.  But God has called the Church to much more than wondering around, eating, sleeping, and waiting for another day.  He has called us to restore ruined cities, disciple nations, and display His glory. 

In order to advance in this assignment, we are required to adjust/reform from the disjointed, independent, roaming around way of Christianity.  We must come into alignment with relationships, direction/vision, leadership, and understanding that will allow us to contribute in ways that cause advancement of His purposes.  This brings dry, separated components into formation and to their feet as a glorious force of His Kingdom. 

Generations must align, families must align, congregations must align, businesses must align, and leaders must align.  Alignment brings order.  Order brings power that overwhelms chaos.  The absence of chaos provides a fertile place to thrive. 

God has called RISEnetwork to provide alignment.  God is breathing on this so the proper parts begin coming together as a force.  RISEnetwork is where there are relationships and contribution.  We need the strength of relationships and the enablement of contribution.  Each person is valued and each skill is important.  We don’t want to be like sheep just hanging out together.  We want to be as an army advancing as each adds their portion.  We want you rising to your fullest as we move forward together. 
We want to align together because we recognize “Hope is Here”, and because hope is here we want to awaken, connect, and send the generations as a force of purposeful worship, pioneering hearts, and passionate leaders.  If something leaps in your spirit as you read this, RISEnetwork could be a proper alignment for you. 
Alignment will unlock destiny.  Alignment will propel you forward.  Alignment will cause you to thrive.  Like Hebrews 9:10, this is a time of reformation; a time of alignment.  God is positioning you in a movement that will impact the earth.  It is time we rise together!