"Sustaining is not an option. It's grow or die."
The pulse of pioneering hearts and passionate leaders is to grow and serve those following their leadership so they grow. As you do this, the congregation, business, or family you lead advances and sees higher measures of success.
To grow we must understand and act on something we didn't know and do prior. Apostle Paul called that "stewarding a mystery" (This is how one should regard us, as servants of God and stewards of the mysteries of God - 1 Cor 4:1 ESV). This is the reality of seeing what was once unknown and then moving in that revelation. Leaders are driven to see from God what they have not realized before and then put it into practice.
I want you to advance in the mysteries of who God made you to be and increase your influence/impact as a leader.
Here are some thoughts to consider so you don't just sustain, but grow. Over the past month, I've been writing down some points I've heard or read that challenge me to grow. The quote above about sustaining not being an option was from a great friend of mine. It resounded in me deeply. I know you don't want to just sustain but grow and lead further. I trust these points will spark insight into a mystery for you.
Take some time to consider and pray over these thoughts:
* What will you look at to measure if you've had a successful year?
* Why are you doing your business or ministry? (Example: Starbucks didn't start in order to be a coffee company. They started as an effort to create a place for people to connect and interact. Coffee was just the element used to help do that.)
* Who are you aligned with in your life and Kingdom endeavors? Who is aligned with you? How are you honoring your alignments?
* Are you using your authority as a leader to honor or control those you lead?
* What mystery has God shown you to steward?
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