Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Divided Mind

by Matt Brown
Director of RISEabove


In the New Testament the Greek word for worry/anxiety that was most often used is “mirimnao." It combines two Greek words, "merizo" which means "divide" and "nous" which means "mind."
"Mirimnao" literally means "divided mind."

When we "worry," or have a "divided mind," we lose focus on Him. We split (or divide) our thoughts on yesterday's what-could-have-been's & what-should-have-been's and tomorrow's worst-case-scenarios and I-hope-so's without focusing on the ever precious right-now's of today. Today's peaks and valleys were designed for us to enjoy in the moment with our eyes, hearts, and minds squarely focused on Him. Worrying causes us to unnecessarily re-live the past over and over. It also causes us to pre-live the future sometimes a hundred times over (or more) before it even arrives.

The enemy would love nothing more than for us to be looking so far behind or forward that we lose today. Don't trip over a gravel while staring at the mountain in front of you. One of my favorite songs, "Just Be Held," by Casting Crowns says it best.... "If you're eyes are on the storm you'll wonder if I love ya still, if you're eyes are on the cross you'll know I always have and I always will."
So often we (and by we, I mean ME!) try to turn this stuff into rocket science. I heard a guy (BJ Roberts, while preaching at Christ Temple) say "sometimes we try to get so deep that we get stuck." Time and time again during my study time God keeps directing me back to Matthew 6:33. If we follow this one simple instruction, our oft-divided minds can find peace, rest, and relief in Him ... "but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you."
1 Peter 5:7 (New Living Translation)"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

Here's the link to the above referenced song. Give it a listen...
Just Be Held by Casting Crowns w/ Lyrics: http://youtu.be/yutmTFtalKs

Have a great day free of worry, anxiety, & concern because rest assured, God's got our backs (and our fronts).

Matt Brown

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